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Bill Parkin Funeral

Bill Parkin Funeral

Dickon Moon15 May 2017 - 12:49
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William 'Bill' Parkin ex long serving 1st team hooker was given a good send off in Salisbury on May 5th.

The Cornish contingent consisted of Ross Brown, Bill Davison, Tim Evans, David Gough, Mike Herring, Gordon Humble, Steve Lang, Sally Lamond, Simon Pring, John Short, and Martin Ward.
It was especially good to see John Short for the first time almost since he stopped playing ! He had travelled down from Norfolk. Similarly, Gordon Humble who was not only in the front row with Bill but worked with Bill for a considerable time.
A very fitting service, was followed later by many anecdotes of the Northeast boy turned Cornish stalwart, but not all
​in mixed company !
He will be missed.
Further reading