1st XV
Sat 29 Jan 2022  ·  London 1S
London Cornish RFC
1st XV
Tries: E McCord, T PellowConversions: G Kimmins (2)Penalties: G Kimmins
1 Step Back Follows a Few Steps Forwards!

1 Step Back Follows a Few Steps Forwards!

Dickon Moon1 Feb 2022 - 21:03
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Cornish well beaten by Cob!

A useful exercise in demonstrating exactly where London Cornish still need to improve saw mid table Cobham comfortably walk off with the spoils in this London 1 South encounter played on the back pitch at the REMPF on Saturday. For all they huffed and puffed, Cornish could not add to their 20th minute score until the last play of the game, and by then the visitors had flown. The rock upon which the exiles recovery has been founded has been a solid and consistently available front V supported by a combative and ball carrying front row. For this match Cornish were lacking the substantial ballast provided by tight head Dave Theobald, lock James La Broy and no 8 Adam Wheeler. In games against Cobham you need the extra ‘dog’ these lads provide and ultimately, in trying to chase the game, the home side transgressed far too often in the eyes of the referee and coughed up tries that gave the final scoreline a slightly skewed look given the balance of play.
Cornish opened playing into a stiffening breeze and away from the car park by the Extension Playing Fields. They were quickly on the defensive as they conceded 3 consecutive penalties to gift Cobham great field position wide left. Though the initial incursion was held, one of their number peeled off the maul to crash over for a converted try. Cornish responded quickly, George Shirlaw winning a penalty on the floor for George Kimmins to reduce the arrears on 7 minutes. The visitors lost a lock to the bin on 15 for taking out full back Mike Edworthy in the air and it did not take long for Cornish to make best of the extra man, a series of pick and drives involving most of the pack and AML giving Ed McCord the opportunity to dive over under the posts for his 2nd try in consecutive home matches, Kimmins extending the lead to 3 with the conversion. With the momentum, Cornish won a penalty at the restart, Alex Davey and Sam Matanle jointly snaffling a ball on the floor but frustratingly after the home side set a decent maul in motion, the ball carrier momentarily lost touch with it before reattaching and the chance was gone. Cob responded with a couple more penalty wins, the latter bringing the ball within range of their kicker who levelled things up with 25 on the clock. 5 minutes later and another penalty sees the visitors set another maul in motion, but this time the exiles d was all over the place Cob crashed over for another converted score. A long range penalty was missed by Cornish on 37 and when an off the top lineout win was spilled at the base of the set piece, an exile played the ball in front of the transgressor gifting more field position to Cob. With their d again penetrated Cornish conceded a converted try wide out this time and suddenly found themselves 24-10 down in a match in which they had an even share of possession. In the remaining minute of the match the exiles again had decent field position 5 out but knocked the ball on when well placed. It was a frustrated home side who sought the half-time huddle.
Cornish opened the 2nd half well, Shirlaw and Matanle combining with Joe Lynch to take the ball into the Cob 22 but another knock on ended the attack. Another incursion by Edworthy saw the exiles return to the 22 but this time they were thwarted on the floor. This brought changes, AML and Shirlaw withdrawn in favour of Fin Robjohn and Mark Osei-Tutu. The visitors added to their score when they landed a penalty given for a high tackle and for a good 10 minutes both sides fought out a non descript period of the match in midfield, notable only for Oli Low replacing Pete Boele up top. On 62 minutes Cornish had great field position in the Cob 22 and how they ended up under their own post 30 seconds later would fill a coaching manual in how not to play rugby! In the end an offload inside the exiles 22 was intercepted by a gleeful visiting back to walk in under the posts for a score that really put the game to bed as a contest, Cob 34-10 to the good. This passage of play saw Terry Gillam suffer a nasty shoulder injury from which we hope he makes a speedy recovery – thanks to the Cob physio for his help here. This last score precipitated a furious and sustained attack by the home side which, for all its endeavour really lacked penetration. It ended on 71 minutes when another offload landed squarely in the arms of an onrushing Cobham defender who was again able to run in the score under the posts for a converted try. On 74 minutes Matt Hakes burst into space on the back of a Dan Phoenix break but the powerful centre was shunted into touch deep inside the visitors 22 just as he was about to hook the ball back inside to the supporting Phoenix. Back came Cornish, Chris Wright returning a kick with interest and linking with Dave Chalkley and Davey, who was held up over the line for a drop out. Not to be deterred, Edworthy and Wright combined to bring play back to the 22, where a Phoenix break saw Robjohn tackled in the shadow of the posts before the former Penryn hooker Tony Pellow drove over (see picture) under the posts, Kimmins drop goal conversion bringing down the curtain on the match.
Cobham have thumped Cornish twice this season, not so easy for the exiles DoR who is resident in the town! They were full value for their 5 points again on this occasion, very clinical in their approach and with more nouse around the house when it came to the breakdown. We hope to see them again next season.
Cornish will not have enjoyed this reverse and it will be important they bounce back from it quickly to continue the progress since mid December. The lads need to trust their d more than they have done in the last 2 games as the concession of so many penalties Is gifting great field position to their opponents in a league where every team carry try scoring weaponry when close to the line. There are still 3 or 4 lads yet to make their 1s comebacks/debuts this season and their influence will be good to see when it arrives. Not long now fellas!

Match details

Match date

Sat 29 Jan 2022




London 1S

League position

London Cornish
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Further reading